Wednesday 5 December 2012

Life is Life

Doing my morning yoga on the roof, its impossible to take any kind of strenuous excersize so before school every morning i do yoga on the roof. Unfortuneatly there is no opportunity for me to do it locally so i just do the rountine i remember from classes at home. After doing it alone for a few weeks, Rosa, on my left and Emilia on my right decided to join so I taught them the sequence too ;)

About a week after Diwali people put small candles outside their houses. The path through Kasuva Village looked beautiful, all lit up by candle light. Unfortunately my camera is not the best quality in the dark but hopefully this should give you an idea of what the houses looked like.


On the way back through Kasuva some boys were again playing with fire but this time it was alot less scary than the fireworks at Diwali. Hot coals were enclsosed in strong netting attached on the end of a rope, you then spin round and make patterns with then flames that get brighter with movement. Rose also took a photo without flash so you can see how excited I am by what is supposed to be for children. Im still a child though right?

The children from the boys hostel on their way to school. Evn the small children have to carry a huge rucksack full of books - sometimes almost as big as they are!

One sunday afternoon we decided to explore the local area a bit further; we took a bus 30 to town called Periyarpalliam, a city built around one temple. This is the Markets outside the temple selling flowers, coconuts, sweets, coloued powder and lots of jewlery.
An Alladins cave of bangles. Every colour, size, pattern you could imagiune and full of glitter; it was impossible to choose.

Inside the temple there were processions of families dressed only in Neam leaves to cover themselves with. I am still uncertain of the exact meaning of the ritual but i think it is a way of cleansing your sins.

On the way out we found a friendly man doing Henna stamps. Unlike the stuff ive seen at home its is a lovely rich red colour and with stamps you can get more detailed designs. It took me forever to choose which stamp i wanted by which time a small crowd of local people had gathered to get a better look at the foreigners. I am always just as interested in them as they are of me.