Saturday 17 November 2012

Temple Run: Vellore to Kanchipuram

Took a weekend trip to Vellore and Kanchipuram with Emilia, Rosa and Rose, the bus was supposed to take 1.5hours but of course running on 'indian time' it took three- maybe one day we will arrive at a guesthouse before midnight...
Of course the journey part of travelling is all part of the experiemnce - here is a typical Indian train: 

This is me outside Vellore fort. After crossing and extremely hectic busy street, walked through the peaceful grounds and arrived at the doorway to an exquisite huge white temple, again covered in delicate carvings and statues.

Inside the fort's temple

 We then went for a ride on the pedal boats on the moat surrounding the fort! I dont think anyone had used these for years, and especially not a group of foreign adults without any children. Looking vey stylish in our neon jackets :)
We attracted a bit of attention from some students on a school trip - they evidently found us on a boat way more interesting than the ancient fort itself.

Both Vellore and Kanchipuram were considerably less toursty then Mamallapuram. It was nice to visit places that attracted Indians rather than just foreigners we have sort of got used to the constant staring now. We always use local transport but sometimes it can get a little busy - literally could not move here but at least i wasn't hanging off the sides like most people!

After a day and a night we moved on to Kanchipuram. Another very busy exciting dusty Indian city full of more temples. They were beautiful pockets of peace away from all the uproar.
We started early to see as much as possible and manage to catch the beautiful morning sunlight where it is slightly cooler than the rest of the day.

At this temple you could blessed by an elephant upon entry. Rose and I were perhaps a little too excited at seeing our first Indian elephant - we even filmed it :)

The last temple was my favorite - it was almost 5pm so the sun was just setting casting beautiful shadows in the temple. This is Emilia and I just outside the temple gates

There were only a few people looking around it so we could really take our time and soak up the atmosphere and more beautiful ancient carvings. A perfect end to the trip.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi lily..gdad ere...reviewing your absolutely graceful moments...yes u r well satisfied and very happy l.o.l. ur gdadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..22/5/13...
