Friday 1 March 2013

A ponder round Pondicherry

Not gunna lie; the best thing abut Pondicherry was the food. It is an ex french colony, with lots of cafes selling to our absolute delight REAL croissants, baguette ,coffee crepes etc etc and after 5 months on a stable diet of rice I'm sure you can imagine how exciting this was for us. This is Rose, me and Riby trying to hold off from eating our first croissant for a photo. The streets were eerily quiet, all named "rue.........." the most locals spoke both French and Tami, the houses were in traditional french architecture with cute shuttered windows, it was only the pestering autodrivers and a Hindu temple with a elephant that reminded us we were in India.  A lovely stress-free break from what can be a very stressful job teaching!

A lovely stress-free break from what can be a very stressful job teaching!

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