Wednesday 24 October 2012

A Mooch Round Mamallapuram

About 30 German volunteers came for a 10 day work camp to Sevelaya; like anywhere else in the world EXCEPT for Britain they spoke impeccable English so we all got on really well! At the weekend, which just so happened to be the beginning of the real monsoon, about 10 of us set of with our umbrellas to Mamallaporum, a small town two hours away from Chennai (3hours in monsoon traffic) thats famous for its ancient and intricate rock carvings.
I would say it wasn't quite the 'real India' we have experienced so far as their were lots of tourists. But foreign people means foreign food! so pleased to get away from the rice-for-every-meal routine at Sevelaya we took advantage of the cafes that sold pancakes, pasta omelets and noodles! The atmosphere in these places was unique; they played Raggea music with lots of Bob Marley, the waiters were extremly friendly, nobody was in any kind of hurry and in the evenings they lit the place up with lanterns and fairy lights - a shanty hippy town by the sea! But absolutely beautiful :) Here we all are Saturday lunch time.

After paying the foreigners fee of 250Rs (Indians only pay 10Rs) we first went to the Shore temple. A very weather worn but still amazing temple literally on the beach. My friend Lou Lou and I asked a kind Indian man to stand under out umbrella and take our photo! we then did the same for him :)
 In case you couldn't spot me amoung all the other goddesses I'm the one in the middle looking very white and stupid :)

Inside The Five Rathas (chariots) and this elephant i suppose was one of the animals to help pull them.

 With the help of the Indian man behind me managed to catch this giant boulder just as it was falling off the cliff! Looks like all the rice is making me strong :)
Or i am just taking another touristy picture outside Krishna's Butterball like everyone else...

 This was the cheap friendly and colourful guesthouse we stayed in - they were very accommodating especially as we didn't arrive until 1am on the first night from our monsoon delays!

And these are just some of the mosquito, bed bug and god knows what else bites i received as a Mamallapuram sounvenir after a restless nights sleep with no power (so no fan). I was even coated in 50% deet repellent but looks like theres no stopping them...
Never judge a book by its  cover!

 As we wondered around the rocky hillside looking for more carvings we came across a kind and extremely happy Hindu priest. He insisted on giving Birgitta and I a quick blessing (see the white dots on our forehead) then bid us good day!

1 comment:

  1. Ouchhh those arms look painfully itchy. You look like your having such an amaaazing time. I'm also jealous of all the little friends your making, and also of your constant rice diet!! But hahaha glad its making you so strongg. Love and miss you xxxx
